EAJHBS is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on all aspects of health and medical field from across all scientific disciplines including but not limited to biomedical sciences, epidemiology, clinical sciences, and other public health fields. EAJHBS publishes includes, original articles, reviews, meta-analysis, case reports, clinical scenarios/observations, and letter to the editor. It publishes subject specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of health and medicine. We offer an efficient, fair and friendly peer review service, and are committed to publishing all sound science, provided that there is some advance in knowledge presented by the work.
Current Issue
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): East African Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences
Published: 2024-09-07
Full Issue
Review Article
East African Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences (EAJHBS) is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed open access journal published biannually by the College of Health and Medical Sciences, Haramaya University. EAJHBS is dedicated to publishing research articles in all areas and all disciplines of Health, Biomedical Sciences and Medicine coming from anywhere in the world.
The types of research accepted include original quantitative and qualitative articles, reviews, meta-analysis, case reports, clinical scenarios/observations, brief reports, short communications and letter to the editors. With every article accepted by peer review given a full technical and language edit to make all papers highly accessible to the international audiences.
Benefits of publishing articles in EAJHBS include:
- Rapid and rigorous peer review
- Nationally accredited and cited increasingly
- High-quality scientific and language editing
- Open access dissemination of your publication
Authors Retaining copyright of their articles/ Retention of copyright under a Creative Commons license
The journal's full text is available online at https://ppseonlinejournal.org/index.php/PMJE/issue/archive
The journal allows free access to its contents
How to Submit Your Article
If you wish to publish Research Paper/Article kindly follow our author guidelines and you can directly upload your article on our web by registering at https://ppseonlinejournal.org/index.php/PMJE/user/register
You can contact us in case of difficulty in using our digital open platform.